Meet Our Weavers


Meet Lydia, one of our workers, when she is not weaving her baskets, she farms to earn a living. She works on a coffee farm just a few kilometers from her home. Lydia lives with her husband and two lovely kids who school locally in the area.

She loves planting spinach and beans during the planting season, then weaves to supplement her income.



Anna is a dedicated worker and entrepreneur who wants to build her life and independence through sustainable living. She loves coordinating and managing all the women groups we work with, making sure that every process is done with care and love.

When she is not in the workshop, Anna spends time with her family and loves hanging out with friends.


Richard looks after all the logistics and shipping of our goods to our different clients and destinations. When he is not working, he runs his tailoring business where he puts all the leather handles and trimmings on all our products.

He lives with his wife and kids in Nairobi and loves handmade products.



Eric is the calmest of all our employees and just loves the attention to details he gives to making the basket to make them look even more stunning. When he is not working, he pastors a church in the neighborhood.

He lives with his wife and children who attend a nearby local school.